The Cutthroat Adventurer Chapter 1

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Posted by Flow, April 15, 2023


Picture of Johan

The weather seems questionable.

"By the looks of it, it’s probably going to rain tomorrow" Johan thought, as his expression became gloomy.

Johan the wizard is a member of an adventurer party that operates in the city of Urbis.

 The party consists of Roy the swordsman, Maya the healer, Gaston the scout, and Johan the wizard. Roy, Maya, and Gaston have known each other for a while, while Johan joined the party later on.

Well, he joined Roy and the others for reasons they don't know...

Anyway, they set out to hunt the great Kensan deer in the southern forest of Urbis.

Hunting in the woods in the rain was something that was not advisable according to Johan's common sense.

Especially since Roy, the leader, has a moody side to him.

His pure fighting ability was one thing, but he did not meet Johan's standards for adventurers in terms of his mental strength.

Even so, the reason Johan isn’t abandoning them is not because he thought of them as friends or something like that, but rather because they now “pass” in terms of his standards when it comes to fighting ability.

It’s not that it’s okay to neglect the mental side of things, but he knows that forging a tough mentality happens by going through extreme experiences like losing loved ones or experiencing near-death situations.

However, the guild has repeatedly warned against using such extreme means to train them.

"This may be the last quest as a party... Let's do our best to minimize casualties," Johan said.

The next day, however, when Roy announced that they were going to the northern mountains, Johan could feel the flames of motivation that had been burning slightly in his chest the day before begin to fade out.

That place is dangerous due to the high number of wyverns inhabiting it.

Well, maybe this party will be fine after all.

It had been a year since Johan joined the party.

Considering that, their skills had improved considerably.

At the beginning, they were frightened even by small demons like imps.

And now they were going wyvern hunting.

This decision to go hunting wyverns was just amusement for the third son of a nobleman. Reaching this level of accomplishment should be plenty enough to satisfy his parents, Johan thought. With that, Johan spoke up,

"I'm not going. This is where we go our separate ways."

Johan's simple rejection and farewell statement left Roy and the others momentarily stunned.

It had been a year since the guild introduced Johan to them as a party member, and since then, despite his frequent criticisms, Johan had ultimately supported them through thick and thin. He had even protected them by putting his own life on the line when they were caught off guard by an ambush due to their own carelessness. Wasn't it because he considered them friends?

Roy felt as if he had been terribly betrayed for some reason.

"What!? What do you mean? I do think that the change of plan to go hunting wyverns was bad... but just the other day, you..." Roy exclaimed. 

–You came along with us even while complaining didn’t you?

As Roy tried to voice his thoughts, Johan turned a cold gaze towards him, then silently turned his back and walked away.

From his back, Roy and his companions felt a strong, very strong sense of rejection, and they couldn't bring themselves to call out to Johan.

Johan never once viewed Roy and the others as friends.

However, he still taught them the fundamentals of being adventurers, encouraged them at times, scolded them at others, and even used his body as a shield when they were in danger, all because it was his job.

Someone to instruct and guide them-

That was the job description requested by the Adventurers Guild.

Johan did more than enough to fulfill that request.

He trained them from being weaklings who could be killed by imps to formidable fighters who could aim to take down a flying dragon like a wyvern.

Roy had a background as the third son from a noble family.

A reckless brat aspiring to become an adventurer, he fled from home-

That’s who Roy is. 

Even so, his family did not abandon him.

They assisted him behind the scenes and openly as well.

One of the ways he received support from them was by Johan guiding and instructing his group.

However, when it comes to teaching, Johan would just turn down the request under normal circumstances.

The wizard Johan is not one to be lumped together with ordinary adventurers.

He belongs to a group of wizards called The Alliance.

Although their numbers may be small, wizards of The Alliance are feared in this western region at the very least.

The reason Johan took on the task of guiding Roy and his comrades was influenced by a previous incident where Johan had received a request from a certain noble.

Even for Johan, having connections with nobles in the Regnum Western Empire was not a bad thing.

And so, Roy just happened to be the son of that noble's close friend.

The good reputation of Johan's previous work through his noble connections led to the current request.

(Job completed satisfactorily. The guild and the nobles shouldn't have any complaints.)

Well, there was the unexpected dispute with the group at the end, but what’s done is done. So Johan returned to his inn with a sense of accomplishment and fell asleep.

The next morning-

When Johan went to the guild, he encountered Maya, his former party member.

When Johan attempted to give her a nod and pass by her, she grabbed him by the sleeve, asking about his departure from the party.

 "Johan, why did you leave!?"

Johan understood that his sudden departure would raise questions among his companions whom he had been with for a year. If he answered her in a half-assed manner, the same thing would keep happening so he decided to explain everything clearly here, without trying to dodge the issue.

"It might take a while, will you listen?"

Johan peered into Maya's eyes with a serious expression on his face, seeking confirmation. Maya braced herself, realizing that Johan must have a lot to say.

Maya: "Yes, please tell me... I can't accept it as it is! Weren't we friends!?"

Johan straightened his posture, looked directly into Maya's eyes, and began to speak,

"Well, where to begin? We were supposed to be exploring the forest, but on the day of the expedition, it turned into hunting in the mountains instead. To be honest, it was a huge pain in the ass. Because of the change in plans, I had to change everything I needed to bring. I had to unpack and repack everything. Why didn’t anyone say anything about it the day before? Being told on the day of really pissed me off. Also dealing with Roy and you guys was also a hassle. Having to go out for a meal together after questing and stuff like that was too draining. Once the quest was done, I just wanted to go back and sleep but then they said the payment would be distributed after we all had dinner together, so I had no choice but to participate, right? On top of that, mixing personal and professional matters was also an annoyance. Like romantic relationships between you guys... I don't care if Roy and you have good chemistry, but it's a pain when Gaston gets involved. Gaston is interested in you, isn't he? Even a complete moron could see that but you and Roy keep flirting without caring about anyone else. Not in town, but on the job! I couldn't care less... But when Gaston gets annoyed and then starts making sloppy mistakes, it becomes a serious issue... Because of that, I've been injured before, trying to protect you. It wasn't just a scratch either. It was a broken bone. Honestly, I don't like getting hurt for someone else’s sake at all... let alone breaking bones for them. I didn't want to protect someone who was carelessly flirting during a quest, but you're the healer, aren't you? If something were to happen, it would be a problem. Originally, Roy or Gaston should have been the ones getting injured, but they were too preoccupied with their personal feelings and I was the only one who noticed you were in danger. Let me tell you, there's an order in a party when it comes to who dies first. From the importance of each role, there's a difference in the value of life. The priority of preserving the value and physical well-being of my life or yours is higher than those at the vanguard. What's that? You didn't notice the surprise attack because of a kiss on the cheek? If you were attacked while you were doing your job, then it can't be helped and I wouldn’t complain. But saying that you didn't notice because you were kissing; you know there’s no way I can accept that as a reasonable excuse, right? I swear, the next time something like that were to happen; if we were to get ambushed for some reason and I end up protecting you guys, I'll probably die a miserable death. Ever since that happened I've been thinking of leaving the party. Do you understand?"

Maya's small resolve was shattered into pieces. One by one, Johan's words pierced her heart,  and she began to feel her heart hemorrhaging.

Picture of Maya with teary eyes

“I.. I’m.. sor.. I’m Sorry”

Maya continued to apologize, as big drops of tears ran down her face. She couldn't even stand up and ended up slumping down where she was. Johan gently took her arm and guided her to a nearby chair. 

He then took out a clean cloth and wiped away her tears. The people around them watching couldn't help but be stunned. Just where can you find someone who was almost killed because of the other person and then help them up and ask them “Are you okay?” Here, I guess!

Maya tightly gripped the cloth in her hand and looked up at Johan with a puzzled expression. She couldn't quite understand Johan's true intentions. One moment he was harshly lecturing her, and the next he was wiping away her tears... Maya was at a loss.

With a slight smile, Johan spoke to Maya, "It's about choosing the right time and place. If you continue doing that sort of thing, you'll eventually end up dead. You can't keep depending on others forever."

Afterwards, Johan turned around and exited the guild.

Maya is no longer just a temporary companion to him. That’s why Johan couldn’t think that her living or dying is of no concern. Going through thick and thin together for a year had also made feelings rise up- to the extent that he didn’t want her to die at least. That’s why he managed to speak to her at the end. 

That reminded Johan of how he had been teased by the members of the "family" in The Alliance, and a bitter smile formed on his face.

After the quarrel (?) with Maya, Johan returned to his lodging and polished the cover of his beloved notebook.

The well-worn leather cover had a glossy shine that exuded an alluring charm.

In this notebook, there is a catalyst that is essential to Johan's magic techniques, but he also has a deep attachment to the notebook itself.

If any daring thief were to lay hands on it, Johan would not hesitate to strangle them right then and there. That's how precious it was to him.

After giving it a thorough polish, Johan placed the notebook by his pillow and went to sleep.

And the next morning came.

Johan had accepted a request to accompany a merchant caravan as the person in charge of supplying water.

In such cases, according to the guild contract, Johan was not obligated to engage in combat even if there were attacks or threats.

Fighting was the responsibility of those who had it included in their contract.

Of course, depending on the situation, there are such times when choosing to fight would take priority.

(Well, there were enough people in the caravan so it was unlikely that there would be any bandits who would dare attack a group like them. There probably aren’t any bandits in the area either)

On the way, they encountered bandits.

Johan thought to himself, "Well, I guess that was wishful thinking" as he dealt with those who tried to harm him.

"Those who see the lady blooming in the yellow soil will prostrate themselves before her beauty, their mouths silenced as they cast themselves onto the ground with outstretched limbs."

Johan took out a yellow flower and chanted an incantation in a melodic manner.

Upon doing so, the bandits who tried approaching him all fell down, as their limbs trembled.

"It's just a paralysis curse. Rest assured, it shouldn’t be life-threatening. The paralysis won't last long. Although, since I'm about to kill you all, your lives won't last long either," Johan said.

Drawing his short sword from his waist, Johan proceeded to cut the throats of the fallen bandits.

"However, there seem to be a few more left. It looks like you're struggling, Sullivan. If you're okay with it, I can lend a hand too. But remember, any combat other than self-defense is not covered by our contract. Those guys haven't actually tried to kill me yet, so if I intervene, it will be considered combat other than self-defense. I'll still charge my usual fee for the use of my catalyst in that case. What do you think?" Johan asked Sullivan.

The leader of the merchant caravan is a man named Sullivan.

Upon hearing Johan's proposal, Sullivan furiously responded .

"What the hell are you saying at a time like this?! You fight too, you son of a bitch!"

Johan tilted his head in confusion, and replied, "My job is to supply the water. Fighting is not part of my job. But given the circumstances, if you pay the additional fee, I might consider it as an extra task. The use of magic requires a catalyst, and catalysts are not free. They cost money, you know. It's a matter of whether you pay for it or not. If you do, I'll support you. If not, I'll only protect myself."

Just as those words were spoken, one of the adventurers was stabbed with a sword.

That's probably not a very good position to be in eh? Johan thought to himself, detached from the situation as if it were someone else's problem.

Seeing this, Sullivan turned to Johan in a panic.

"Aah!? I- I understand! I got it! I'll pay! I’ll pay so please help us fight!!!"

Johan readily agreed, saying, "Alright then."

Johan opened his notebook and flipped through the pages... He took out a chrysanthemum that had been exposed to the night air in a graveyard for three days and three nights, and chanted,

"All the companions who’ve shared life’s joys and sorrows with you, family, and lovers too. All have died off. You are truly alone now, and you can't even be isolated anymore since there is no one left around you."

As Johan chanted the dark curse with a cruel tone, the bandits all stopped moving at the same time. Their breathing became rough, and their eyes darted around. Placing their hands on their chests, some were even on their knees.

It was a curse of sorrow.

The bandits got a taste of the sadness and despair of losing all those dear to them in an instant.

Unable to muster any strength in their limbs, some of them were even pitifully shaking.

Johan looked over the bandits and even smiled as he spoke.

"Feeling depressed? Don't worry. I'll send you all to your families soon."

Johan proceeded to kill the bandits one by one, slitting their throats.

The adventurers who were watching were trembling in fear.

But what was even more terrifying than Johan's actions were the expressions of gratitude that appeared on the faces of the bandits who were being killed.

Yes, the bandits were grateful.

Grateful to Johan for saving them from the heart-wrenching grief.

Johan used a relatively high-grade catalyst, and as a result, the merchant caravan was safe.

However, the one adventurer who was stabbed died.

And so, Johan was being blamed by someone who seems to be their friend, questioning why he didn't do it from the beginning if he could do something like that.

The other adventurers didn’t say a word.

This was because they were still completely in awe of Johan’s frightening actions that felt even somewhat divine earlier. 

Johan faced the accusing adventurer and opened his mouth with a slightly troubled expression.

"I conveyed to the client that if they provide the funds for the catalyst, I would be willing to help, despite it being outside of the agreed upon conditions. However, the client declined to pay for the catalyst so I didn't do anything. It was only after your friend died that the client offered to pay. That's why I used my magic to help you. Casting spells doesn't just happen by mumbling some incantations. It requires a catalyst, like a trigger or a spark to manifest the magic. That's what the catalyst is for. Do you really think I would go through the trouble of paying for the catalyst out of my own pocket? We're not even friends, are we? For example, if I were to die tomorrow, would you even shed a tear? Would you mourn for me? You wouldn't, right? Maybe you would feel a little sorry, but you would forget about it the next day. That's how your friend is to me. I'm not belittling him, I just find it unfortunate. I want you to understand that." 

Johan spoke at length, but basically, "Since we're not even friends, I have no obligation to help if you won't pay.” is what he meant.

Johan's words were excessive, however, he was also saying that he would be willing to help even total strangers as long as they pay for his assistance.


Picture of Roy


picture of Gatson

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