Ruler Of The Night 9

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Posted by Nocturnal, October 28, 2023

Chapter 009 "Eating with Serena”

I trained Amy at night, and I continued to train her the next morning as well.

Before I knew it, the evening had arrived. I cleaned up the room and looked down at Amy, who was lying on the bed all sticky with our body fluids.

“Amy, I’m not coming back tonight so just get some rest.”


“Oh, and drink that potion there.”

“...Thank you.”

It feels like I overdid it again, but the beginning is a crucial stage.

Amy has completely become a slave to pleasure now, she’s my pet.

If I give the order, she will immediately suck me off and open her legs.

After I exited the room while feeling satisfied with my first pet, I headed to the meeting location where I’ll be meeting with the girl who will become my second pet.

The place where I’ll be meeting Serena is not the guild, but the fountain at the center of the town.

It’s a spot where lovers commonly meet up, but she and I don’t share that kind of relationship.

However, when I arrived 30 minutes before our meeting time, I saw Serena, who was all dressed up, nervously waiting for me.

It’s my first time seeing that side of her…

I knew that Serena had some positive feelings for me.

But that being said, I didn’t think it was the romantic type of affection. Since I was the one who taught her various things when she was new, I thought she just liked working with me.

Anyway, I went closer with the intention of calling out to her.

“Serena. Sorry, I’m late.”

Hearing my voice, she turned around with a smile.

“No, it’s not time yet. I just came early since I finished work early.

Wait, didn’t she take the day off?

Forget what she’s wearing; she normally doesn’t wear any makeup and she has makeup on today, even if it’s light. She seemed to have put in quite an effort.

“I see…It’s still a bit early, but should we go get some food anyway?”

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Serena nodded with a smile. Then, she took my arm and linked arms with me as we began to walk.

When I looked over at her wondering what was up with her, I noticed her slightly showing cleavage. Her pleasant scent tickled my nostrils as well.

“What’s the matter?”

Serena asked with a smile.

“No, it’s nothing. I just thought that you are so much more beautiful today.”

“Heheh, thank you. You look great too, Mr.Luke.”

What’s going on?

She’s in such a good mood it feels like she’s a different person.

“Is that so? Thanks. So, where are we going?”

Honestly, it feels like we’re going to go to a high-class restaurant.

It’s not that I don’t have money, but we didn’t make any reservations.

“A normal tavern would be fine. What about that one there?”

In front of us, I could see a tavern that explorers often visit.

“Are you sure you’re okay with that place?”

“Yes. That place is fine for ‘today’.”

Serena emphasized the word “today”.

“I see…Alright, let’s go there then.”

After we entered the tavern, we sat at a table near the corner and ordered alcohol and an appropriate amount of food.

Not too long after that, our wine and food came.


“Normally, it would be ale, but I’ll go for wine this time.”

She didn’t order the ale she normally drinks. Also, not only does this tavern’s atmosphere not match the wine, but the familiar tavern owner and his daughter waitress were spying on us from afar with grins on their face.

“Has it been two years since you came here?”

After we had a toast, we started a conversation while eating.

“Yeah. It was hard at first, but everyone helped me out, especially you, Mr.Luke. You really took great care of me.”

Honestly, I did look after her.

It’s something that happens often, as new explorers would match with veteran receptionists, and newer receptionists would match with veteran explorers. 

Explorers and guild employees have a give-and-take relationship, and I always thought that it was the duty of the experienced people to help the less experienced.

Rather, it was something that was taught to me by an old receptionist who was in charge of me when I was younger.

“Nevertheless, you’ve gotten used to things by now, right?”

“I guess. But I still have a hard time when an explorer gets hurt or doesn’t come back.”

She’s hinting something at me…

“Sorry about what happened before. That won’t happen anymore.”

“That would be great. But, Mr.Luke, are you really going to be okay? You’re going to turn 30 next month, but…”

“Right…By the way, can I ask you to extend the deadline a bit? I’m actually still 28 years old.”

Now I think back, I lied about my age by a year when I first registered to the guild.

“It’s impossible. It’s the guild’s rule, and more importantly, the guild master said that he’ll definitely make you quit.”

“That old geezer…”

“He doesn’t have any bad intentions, you know?”

“I know.”

To be frank, the one who was in charge of me when I was a newbie was the current guild master.

He told me time and time again to do something else in life while my limbs were still intact because I wasn’t talented.

“Actually, he got you a job to be the manager of the Kira Labyrinth that beginners use.”


“Nobody even asked me, don’t just decide what I’m going to do without getting my consent.”

“The guild master says you have experience and a serious personality that is suited for dealing with explorers, so he wants you to manage the newcomers.”

Without asking me though.

“Sorry, but I’m going to get to D-rank.”

“I see…I understand. Well, whatever, let’s drink.”

“Yeahh, you’re right.”

With some idle chatter, we had a good time while we drank the wine.


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